our purpose
We believe that God has called us to build churches of significance and influence and to make a difference in our communities, our nation and around the world. To build churches that are energised by faith and are united together to reach beyond our walls with the wonderful love of God.
This is expressed in 3 ways
Love God - (God Centred) a church that is filled with passionate worship and is consumed by it's love for Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:27)
Love Church - (Purpose Driven) to build a church where God is honoured and a church that He finds pleasure in (Haggai 1:8), that is non-religious, non denominational but is united, relentless and on a mission to reach beyond it's walls to change the world.
Love Others - (People Empowering) a church that serves and impacts the community, the city and the world with the life-changing expression of the love of God. (Matthew 22:39)
This is expressed in 3 ways
Love God - (God Centred) a church that is filled with passionate worship and is consumed by it's love for Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:27)
Love Church - (Purpose Driven) to build a church where God is honoured and a church that He finds pleasure in (Haggai 1:8), that is non-religious, non denominational but is united, relentless and on a mission to reach beyond it's walls to change the world.
Love Others - (People Empowering) a church that serves and impacts the community, the city and the world with the life-changing expression of the love of God. (Matthew 22:39)
our vision
The Church I see
is a place where GOD is honoured, that finds its expression in passionate WORSHIP & DEVOTION. A church where people come together to glorify God in an atmosphere of mutual LOVE & RESPECT for God and for each other. [Worship]
The Church I see
is a place where you can belong to a FAMILY. A church that you can call HOME, that is fun, attractive & supportive, that cares, that PRAYS & simply does LIFE together.
A church where the broken & the hurting can find healing & restoration from the past, & hope for the future. [Fellowship]
The Church I see
is a place where you can find God's amazing PLAN & PURPOSE for your life. A safe environment where you can become established, encouraged and EMPOWERED as you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God. [Discipleship]
The Church I see
is a church without walls, that is the HEARTBEAT of the COMMUNITY, reaching out to make a difference, being a resource & having an INFLUENCE in the community. Living out the love of God to those around us to meet both PRACTICAL & SPIRITUAL needs. [Ministry]
The Church I see
is on a mission. That doesn't exist for ourselves, but exists for OTHERS. That reaches out empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT to our community, to our city & unashamedly the world with the life changing message of JESUS CHRIST. [Evangelism]
The Church I see
is a place where GOD is honoured, that finds its expression in passionate WORSHIP & DEVOTION. A church where people come together to glorify God in an atmosphere of mutual LOVE & RESPECT for God and for each other. [Worship]
The Church I see
is a place where you can belong to a FAMILY. A church that you can call HOME, that is fun, attractive & supportive, that cares, that PRAYS & simply does LIFE together.
A church where the broken & the hurting can find healing & restoration from the past, & hope for the future. [Fellowship]
The Church I see
is a place where you can find God's amazing PLAN & PURPOSE for your life. A safe environment where you can become established, encouraged and EMPOWERED as you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God. [Discipleship]
The Church I see
is a church without walls, that is the HEARTBEAT of the COMMUNITY, reaching out to make a difference, being a resource & having an INFLUENCE in the community. Living out the love of God to those around us to meet both PRACTICAL & SPIRITUAL needs. [Ministry]
The Church I see
is on a mission. That doesn't exist for ourselves, but exists for OTHERS. That reaches out empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT to our community, to our city & unashamedly the world with the life changing message of JESUS CHRIST. [Evangelism]